Unmissable places

For enthusiasts of Van Gogh

- The Vincent van Gogh Arles Foundationestablishes a dialogue between the painting of the Dutch master and the works of contemporary artists, thus concretizing Van Gogh's desire to establish a "Grand Atelier du Midi" in Arles.

- the Van Gogh walking tour will take you to the places where the painter put his easel. Around ten "spots" are thus to be discovered during a pleasant stroll in the city. To see in particular: the Yellow House on Place Lamartine, Starry Night over the Rhone on the quays of the river ... Do not hesitate to do thi walk accompanied by a guide to learn more about the life of Van Gogh.


Also not to be missed

- The Réattu Museum https://www.google.com/search?q=google+traduction&rlz=1C1CHBD_frFR733FR733&oq=google+trad&aqs=chrome.0.0i131i433i512j69i57j0i512j0i131i433i512l5j0i433i512l2.2085j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#:~:text=exhibits%20the%20main%20works%20of%20Jacques%20R%C3%A9attu%20throughout%20the%20year.

- The Museon Arlaten introduces us to the works of artists inspired by Provence, including those of illustrator Léo Lelée.

- The Art Galeries regularly honor so-called "contemporary" painters. Current exhibitions are here.

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